The prevailing wisdom has long been to visit your dentist 1-2 times per year for a checkup and cleaning. Despite being told by every dentist they encounter, many people still do not recognize or understand the value of visiting the dentist for routine dental cleanings. Doing so means far more than appeasing your dentist. Regular deep dental cleanings actually set you up for optimal oral health. 

The Purpose of Regular Dental Cleanings

Regular dental cleanings do far more than simply clean teeth. After all, brushing and flossing do that job just fine. Professional dental cleanings are a vital part of maintaining good oral hygiene and supporting optimal dental health, because they target issues that general cleaning cannot. 

Preventing Disease

Professional dental cleanings can help prevent disease by catching any possible issues at the early stages and taking action to make sure they do not progress. Gum disease is the most commonly detected issue during professional cleanings. Other issues, such as cysts and chips, may also be discovered during routine exams. 

Detecting Decay

Tooth decay is the leading cause of poor oral health. Tooth decay has been identified as a possible cause of bad breath, tooth loss, and even more severe oral diseases. At your dental exam and cleaning, your oral cavity will be examined for the likelihood of tooth decay. From small spots on the surface of teeth to more significant discoloration and “gummy” spots on the teeth, a dental hygienist will be able to identify the presence of decay. 

Screening for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can have large and significant symptoms, such as unexpected growths or large pockets of discoloration on the gums. Still, it may also have very mild or easily undetectable symptoms that you will likely miss. Having your teeth professionally cleaned is one of the simplest ways to stay on top of any oral cancer development and prevent spread. 

How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned?

Dental care is highly individualized. Although there are basic recommendations set forth for teeth cleaning by dental authorities, these recommendations are based on the general population and may not be true for everyone. Before deciding how often you should get your teeth cleaned, there are some important factors to consider. 

Take Your Oral Health History Into Account

Oral health history can play a significant role in how often you should have your teeth and gums professionally cleaned. If you have gum disease, for instance, plaque and tartar buildup is likely to be more hazardous for you and cause more problems in the long run. The special tools utilized in professional cleaning sessions can more effectively tackle the issues associated with chronic dental conditions. These conditions include gum disease, weak enamel, and more

Consider a Variable Schedule

Oral health is rarely a fixed event. Rather than adhering to a predetermined schedule of once or twice per year, consider speaking with your dentist each time you get a cleaning to determine when you should get your next cleaning. Some periods in your life, it may be enough to visit only once per year for a cleaning and check-up. At others, a quarterly visit may be more valuable.

Importance of Routine Teeth Cleanings for Your Oral Health

What Happens If You Don’t Attend Regular Teeth Cleanings?

Although most people do follow some basic teeth cleaning recommendations, such as brushing and flossing at home, many people are unfamiliar with the risks involved in failing to attend regular dental visits. If you do not get your teeth cleaned regularly, you put yourself at risk for chronic oral diseases and conditions. Eventually, these dangers can culminate in tooth loss, oral infections, and even systemic issues elsewhere in the body. Left untreated and unevaluated, poor oral health can contribute to the onset of cardiac issues and even sepsis

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What are the usual suspects involved in not getting your teeth cleaned? 

Gum Disease

Going without professional teeth cleaning can eventually lead to gum disease. While brushing and flossing are certainly useful in mitigating gum disease, at-home brushing and flossing do not fully remove plaque and tartar that build up over time. 

Plaque and tartar contribute to the development of both the initial and advanced stages of gum disease (gingivitis and periodontal disease, respectively). Professional teeth cleanings effectively remove plaque and tartar and reduce the risk of going on to develop any degree of gum disease. 

Dental Decay

Dental decay is usually effectively prevented by practicing good oral hygiene at home. When at-home practices are not enough, however, as is often the case with individuals who have naturally weak enamel or a genetic predisposition toward decay, professional cleanings can provide a valuable service. 

Dentists remove the buildup responsible for decay and evaluate any existing or beginning stages of decay. These professional cleanings are valuable services that can help get ahead of the dental decay “curve” and stave off additional issues with dental caries. 

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer screenings are commonplace in teeth cleaning appointments. Patients can certainly keep an eye on their own oral health. If concerns arise, they can bring up oral cancer to their dental health professionals. 

Dentists are uniquely trained to catch the early signs of oral cancer. Without regular cleanings, dental patients may not be able to pinpoint the signs and symptoms of impending oral cancers

Additional Concerns

At dental cleanings, dentists can evaluate for and go over any additional concerns they or their patients might have. Patients may feel an unusual protuberance on their tongue or gums, or dentists may notice tooth discoloration that cannot be accounted for by staining or decay. Visiting your dentist regularly can help identify any developing issues before those issues become extremely hazardous or present a significant cause for concern

Teeth Cleanings in Raleigh, NC

If you need a teeth cleaning in Raleigh, NC, North Hills Dentistry offers the latest in dental technology and services. Our staff members are passionate about providing the best dental care available. We look forward to hearing from you!