Tooth restoration procedures top the list of dental procedures performed in dentistry offices. From fillings to root canals, restoring teeth is a high priority for dentists and patients alike. Properly restored teeth can make all the difference in maintaining and supporting oral health. 

How do dental crowns fit into that equation? 

First, we must tackle the issue of what dental crowns actually are, and how they contribute to your oral health and overall wellness

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are essentially small “caps” placed over the top of teeth. These tooth colored caps are used to strengthen damaged teeth or provide a cosmetic restoration to improve the appearance of your grin. 

Crowns can be made using many different materials. Most often, they are created using porcelain, ceramic, composite, metal, or a combination of these materials. The initial iterations of crowns were made with metal, but an increased focus on aesthetic appeal has created the need for more covert crowns. These crowns include porcelain, ceramic, and composite devices. 

The Purpose of Crowns

There are two major purposes for crowns: restoration and cosmetic dentistry. A restorative crown is typically used to cover a damaged tooth that has been irreparably harmed by injury, trauma, or decay. 

Apart from restorative procedures, crowns can be used to improve the appearance of teeth. Crowns are similar to veneers, in that they can create a more even or uniform appearance to your smile. Crowns in the front of the mouth and on the molars can even remove the need for a dental implant by providing a way to install a temporary restoration like a bridge, rather than the permanent fixture that is a dental implant. 

Who Needs a Crown?

Crowns may be necessary for several reasons. Root canals are rounded off by placing a crown at the gum line. Cracked or otherwise damaged teeth can be strengthened by adding a porcelain crown. Crowns can also be used for restorations that require a bridge; bridges are false teeth affixed to the teeth using two crowns on either side of the missing tooth. 

Not everyone needs crowns. For some people, crowns offer a simple and easy way to improve the uniformity and appearance of teeth. Crowns can be used to improve gaps in teeth, or cover persistent discoloration that does not respond to whitening. Crowns can even be used in conjunction with veneers to create a smile makeover that extends throughout the mouth as a whole. 

Same-Day Dental Crowns

Same-day dental crowns are created using CAD/CAM technology. These computer-aided crowns allow dentists to create your crown and place it in a single day–and without leaving the office. Same-day crowns eliminate the need for temporary crowns, and restore your smile in a single, simple visit. 

Advanced Dental Technology

The dental technology used to create same-day crowns actually involves a series of steps. The first step involves using digital images to create a likeness of the patients’ teeth and gums. Those images are then used to construct a 3-D rendering to fabricate a crown that perfectly fits teeth. Crowns are fabricated using an in-office machine that is able to construct ceramic or porcelain crowns that can be placed the same day they are made. 

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Due to the advent of digital scans and molds, same-day crowns are extremely effective and accurate

Single-Visit Crowns

Single-visit crowns are crowns that are placed in one visit rather than being stretched over two or three appointments. During a single visit, dentists are able to take images of the patient’s teeth and gums, feed those images into a machine that fabricates dental crowns, and complete the preparation process while the crown is created. This allows patients to avoid the hassle of going in and out of the dentist’s office and reduces the likelihood of a temporary crown becoming broken or dislodged. 

CEREC Technology

CEREC technology, or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is the technology used to develop same-day crowns. CEREC same-day crowns have supplanted traditional crowns in many dental offices because they offer greater convenience at a similar price point

Is a CEREC Crown Worth It?

For many people, CEREC crowns are absolutely worth it. CEREC crowns offer a simple and easy way to have a crown placed. Traditional crowns require at least 2 visits, if not more, and the placement of a temporary crown, which has the potential to break or fall out. 

CEREC removes some of the anxiety and guesswork associated with the multi-step process of traditional crowns. With a single appointment to evaluate, prep, and place a crown, patients can rest assured that their crowns are being completed using the latest dental technology

Are Same-Day Crowns Cheaper?

The price of same-day crowns and traditional crowns are actually comparable. While same-day crowns often appear more expensive upfront, the cost of multiple appointments and multiple fittings can quickly make traditional crown costs add up. 

While same-day crowns might not be cheaper, they are frequently at least partially covered by insurance and may come in at around the same price as traditional (and less convenient) crowns

Are CEREC Crowns Good for Front Teeth?

The precise reason for getting a crown can determine how well-fitting CEREC crowns are for front teeth. If noticeable damage is the reason for CEREC intervention, the crowns may be perfectly fine for front teeth. If CEREC crowns are being used primarily for small issues or cosmetic concerns, same-day crowns may not be the best route, and veneers may be the better option. Speaking directly with your dentist will yield the best decision regarding the placement of a crown or veneers. 

Restoring Teeth in a Single Day

Same-day dental crowns offer the convenience of a single dental visit with the strength of a porcelain crown. Although having your natural teeth is ideal, restorative procedures cannot always be avoided. To learn more about CEREC technology and same-day crowns in Raleigh, NC, schedule an appointment today!